Paraguay 2009

Volunteer: Danette Lopez

In 2009, my husband and I joined Prints of Hope International on a mission trip to Paraguay. This trip had an incredible impact on both of our lives. It was quite the experience! Our days were long and very busy.
We stayed in the town of Hohenau and the mission outreach was in Jesus, a town approximately 45 minutes from Hohenau.
We had three main projects: medical, construction and dress a child.

Medical clinics were held and though we had a large team, the need was so great in this remote area that we hardly had time for lunch breaks. More than 200 children and adults were treated each day. The medical team also had the opportunity to visit a nearby village of indigenous Guarani Indians. We provided medical care including medications, vitamins and basic hygiene supplies. The visit to the Guarani village was a very humbling experience. The majority of them had never seen a doctor before. It is difficult to describe the poverty in which they live.

The construction team worked long days. Working with HFH, they built 11 brick houses for families in need. The families selected had at least 5 children. They were very grateful and happy to have a safe and dry home. The winter months in that area of Paraguay are very cold-lots of rain and red muddy clay.
Then of course we had the much loved and always present project in every POH mission trip: “Dress a Child”. We were blessed to see the happy faces of children in the town of Jesus and also in the Guarani village receiving  new clothes and shoes. For the majority of these children it was the first time they were receiving new clothes and shoes and their faces reflected the special moment.
In the evenings we were blessed to participate in the evangelistic meetings lead by the local Pastor. We also had a very special time with the children in Vacation Bible School. Everyone was tired, hungry and most of the time the construction team was wet and cold, but the volunteers never complained. We were just as or even more blessed than the people we were ministering to.
As a volunteer with Prints of Hope traveling to several countries on different continents,  I have been introduced to diverse cultures, met many amazing people and made very dear friendships. But more than anything the blessings I have received and witnessed can’t be described!