Philippines 2011

Volunteer: Steve Nicholas

In 2011, along my wife and daughter I joined as volunteers with Prints of Hope International (POH) on a mission trip to the Philippines. That year, POH teamed with ABC Children’s Aid to serve children, their families and members of various local communities. We travelled across the island of Luzon to places like Baguio, Benquet and Quezon City distributing clothing (Dress-A-Child), conducting medical clinics and holding Vacation Bible School. Later, we travelled to the island of Negros where we served in similar ways in Bacolod City and in a village outside of the city.

We were a relatively small group numbering less than a dozen or so and on this particular trip, there was little to do in the way of construction – normally the type of work in which I would participate. So I was enlisted as an apprentice “pharmacy aide”. I was serving alongside the “A” team – Joyce and Joche!

Some of the memories I have to this day of that trip: the colorfully decorated, art deco style public transportation busses, the never-ending stream of bicycle and motorcycle powered Rickshaws, the slums in sprawling Manila, Quezon City and Bacolod City and the children – Impoverished children with big smiles and grateful hearts upon receiving simple things like a pair of shoes and a coloring book and crayons depicting the life of Jesus.

Recalling these memories reminds me also of all that I have to be thankful for. It reminds me of God’s wonderful grace and of how much I owe to Him by way of service to the least fortunate. Being a part of POH ministry for the past twelve years, supporting mission projects like The Philippines 2011, has truly been a blessing to my family and I, and has brought personal joy and fulfillment that one can only experience working for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in selfless service to others.